French Bean, green
Phaseolus vulgaris
Popular, low-growing green beans, that normally don't need support. Young, slim pods are also called Haricot Vert.
Is an early, hardy snap bean of medium-green, round, fleshy pods, 12-15 cm long. This...
More info →is a beautiful sort yielding fine, straight, green snap beans of the best quality, deep...
More info →is an upright growing plant with its pods hanging free above the leafage. The easy to...
More info →Is a pole snap bean yielding 25 cm long, round, vigorous, fleshy, deep-green pods on...
More info →We have tried many varieties of green dwarf French Beansover the years and the pods are...
More info →We have rarely seen such a productive french bean. The plant is bushy and sturdy and...
More info →History
The garden beans are usually classified according to their height in (var.nanus) short beans and (var. vulgaris) French Climbing Bean. These 2 groups are further classified in snap-, wax, and French beans to eat fresh and shelling- or cooking beans which are, usually, allowed to ripen before the harvest. The limits are a little fleeting. Snap-, wax and French beans can be allowed to ripen and be used as shelling beans when dried. Likewise the shelling beans can be enjoyed fresh, young whole pods or shelled, half-ripened seeds. The snap bean and the golden wax pod which have slender, tender, plump pods are harvested before the seeds have developed, while the long, broad, flat pods of the French beans can be allowed to develop small seeds, at least in part.