Shipping from 18 SEK

Common questions

Here we have collected answers to questions that we often get here at Runåbergs. If you do not find the answer to what you are wondering, contact us and we will help you.

Do I have to have an account to shop with you?
No, it's perfectly fine to shop with us even without an account. 

I realized I forgot to order some varieties. Can I make an addition to my order?  
We make additions of up to three bags depending on time. The easiest way is if you email us at

We have a mailbox that is outside. Is it harmful to the seeds if they are delivered there in the winter when it is below freezing outside?
There is no danger to the seeds if they are in freezing temperatures. However, moisture is not good for seeds.

I have ordered a new password but it is not coming to my email. Why not?
Feel free to look in your spam folder, sometimes the email with a new password ends up there. If you don't find any email there, contact us and we will help you.

Are all your seeds organic?
Yes, we only sell organic seeds. Here you can read more about our eco-certification.

Can I buy empty bags without printing?
Yes, we sell unprinted bags for 1 kroner each. If you are interested in buying bags, email us at