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Wasabino, organic




Product number:1035
Scientific name:Brassica juncea
Botanic family:Brassicaceae
Days to maturity:40
F1 Hybrid:No
New variety:No
Sowing time:March–April/July–August
Sowing depth:1 cm
Germination time:3–5 days
Plant spacing:5–10 cm baby leaves/20–35 cm whole plant
Row spacing:35–50 cm
Height:30 cm
Plant location:Sun–Shade
Seeds/g:300-500 seeds
Other:Long-day plant
Heirloom variety:No

Cultivation advice


ffffffSow the seeds successively from very early spring until late summer. Sow them thinly, about 1 cm deep directly in the land or in hotbeds and greenhouses for an extra early or late harvest. Seeds sown in mid-July usually yield the best harvest. 


Should be thinned out to a mutual distance of 25-35 cm. The thinned out plants are edible. Keep a distance of 35-50 cm between the rows, if you sow in rows. 


Start picking the leaves early. The plants grow quickly and harvest the more or less close-knitted heads as they are ready. Several cabbage sorts begin blooming in summer, so do not delay the harvest. They tolerate quite a lot of bitter cold and can be eaten fresh far into the late autumn. Use them raw, boiled, preserved, fried in salads, soups, gratins, and stews etc.


1 g contains 300-500 seeds. A portion is enough for sowing 3-6 metres. For linear sowing 10 g is required to sow 100 metres.