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Asparagus-lettuce (Lactuca sativa var.augustana (var. asparagina)), 40-80 days is also called Chinese lettuce (Who Sun) and is a very old vegetable in Asia. In Europe it has been present since the mid 1800s. The Chinese name translates as "brittle stem lettuce". Young leaves can be picked early as lettuce, but it is the peeled stalk with its light-green, refreshing and juicy marrow, which is a mild delicacy. The stalks grow to 3-5 cm in width and 30-45 cm tall. It should be harvested just before beginning to flower. Cultivate it in the same way as ordinary lettuce. It tolerates some frost. The peeled stalk is used in slices or staves, fresh in salads as well as lightly poached. A portion contains about 200 seeds.


Product number:4605
Scientific name:Lactuca sativa var. augustana
Botanic family:The Sunflower Family - Asteraeae
Days to maturity:40-80
F1 Hybrid:No
New variety:No
Sowing time:Pre-cultivate: March–May/Direct sow: May–August
Sowing depth:0,5 cm
Germination time:5–8 days
Plant spacing:15–30 cm
Row spacing:35–50 cm
Plant location:Sun–Half shade
Seeds/g:850 seeds
Heirloom variety:No

Cultivation advice


Sow thinly about 0.5 cm deep! The seeds need light and a temperature below 18oC to germinate. A higher temperature causes late and bad germination. Lettuce can be forced very early in a green-house (soil temperature at least 5°C) or sown indoors and in hotbeds 3-5 weeks before handle several degrees of frost. Direct sowing can take place as soon as the soil is ready. Water the row before sowing if the soil is dry. That lowers the temperature some when sowing in high summer. To get a supply of lettuce all through summer and autumn, sow successively or several kinds of different growth times! Autumn sowing for wintering could succeed. 


Thin out early! Iceberg lettuce need a mutual space of 20-30 cm to be able to form heads, 35-50 cm between the rows.  


Harvest as baby lettuce leaves early or the stem just before flowering. 


A portion contains about 200 seeds.