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National 3, organic seeds



Globular, dark rose-red radish with a white tip and a crisp and juicy flesh. National 3 has little blast and can stand quite a long time without losing its flavor and becoming spongy. One portion contains about 300 seeds.

Starting with the 2023 season, National 3 replaces Sparkler 5835. The varieties are very similar.


Product number:5840
Scientific name:Raphanus sativus var. radicula
Botanic family:The Mustard Family - Brassicaceae
Days to maturity:25
F1 Hybrid:No
New variety:No
Sowing time:April–August
Sowing depth:1 cm
Germination temperature:10-25°C
Germination time:4-7 days
Plant spacing:1-3 cm
Row spacing:10-30 cm
Height:15 cm
Plant location:Sun–Half shade
Seeds/g:80-130 seeds
Heirloom variety:No

Cultivation advice


Sow 1-2 cm deep directly after the soil is ready or in green-houses and hot-beds. It develops fast (4-6 weeks). Sow the radish seeds every few weeks until August-September, even longer in green house.


1-3 cm between the plants and 10-30 cm between the rows.


Harvest often! Do not allow the radishes to grow to large and spongy. They will keep for about a week in the refrigerator. Do try to cook them as well, poached, fried, barbecued etc!


80-130 seeds/1g. One portion sows several meters, at least 50 g sows 100 m and 5-10g/m2  for a green-house or hotbed.
A portion contains about 300 seeds.