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Stevia, organic seeds

Eco Heirloom


Stevia rebaudiana is really sweet. The substance Stevioside is 300 times as sweet as common sugar which makes it an appreciated sweetener the world over. It is used in, for instance, sweets, soft drinks, pastries and numerous health preparations. Stevioside sweetening is used very much in Japan where Aspartam is prohibited. It is, however, prohibited in EU and USA as an additive because the documentation about it is considered insufficient. According to critics this is because of the need the powerful Aspartam industry has to protect its assets. Stevia comes from South America originally and must be pre-cultivated and set out when the soil has warmed up. It does not like temperatures below 10oC. This plant grows ab. 50 cm tall and yields large amounts of sweet serrated leaves which are used fresh, dried, powdered or concentrated in fluid or firm form. It can winter as a potted plant and yield cuttings in spring. Stevioside is a pure health substance. It doesn't raise blood sugar but rather stabilizes it. It contains no calories and creates no dependence and counteracts plaque and caries. A ½ teaspoon of powdered Stevia leaves is the equivalent of 2 dl of white sugar. There are recipes on the web. About 2700 seeds/g. One portion contains at least 10 seeds.


Product number:K543
Scientific name:Stevia rebaudiana
Botanic family:The Parsley Family - Apiaceae
F1 Hybrid:No
New variety:No
Sowing time:Pre-cultivate: March–April
Sowing depth:0,2 cm
Germination time:5–10 days
Plant spacing:30 cm
Row spacing:30–40 cm
Height:50 cm
Plant location:Sun
Seeds/g:2700 seeds
Other:Light germinating
Heirloom variety:Yes

Cultivation advice


Sow very shallowly (seeds need light) indoors in March-April and be careful so the seeds don't dry out. The seeds will germinate in 5-10 days. The roots needs plenty of space, so replant when necessary. Pinch off the top, if you want a bushier plant. Set out once the risk of frost is over and the soil is warmer. 


Keep a distance of 30 cm.


The sweet serrated leaves are used fresh, dried, powdered or concentrated in fluid or firm form. The plant can winter as a potted plant and yield cuttings in spring.


About 2700 seeds/g.
A portion contains about 10 seeds.