Winter Savory, organic seeds

Eco Heirloom


Satureja montana is a perenniallow (25cm) and spicy savory with spicier and more potent taste and shinier,thicker leaves than its annual relative summer savory (S. hortensis). It hasviolet flowers.

It winters over reasonablywell under cover in a well drained plot in the southern half of Sweden, butfarther north, however, it spends the winter as a potted plant in a cool place.

Satureja montana is a perennial low (25 cm) and spicy savory with spicier and more potent taste and shinier, thicker leaves than its annual relative summer savory (S. hortensis). It has violet flowers. It winters over reasonably well under cover in a well drained plot in the southern half of Sweden, but farther north, however, it spends the winter as a potted plant in a cool place. 2500 seeds/g. A portion contains about 1000 seeds.


Product number:K410
Scientific name:Satureja montana
Botanic family:The Mint family - Lamiaceae
F1 Hybrid:No
New variety:No
Sowing time:May–June
Sowing depth:0,2 cm
Germination time:10 days
Plant spacing:25 cm
Row spacing:40 cm
Height:25 cm
Plant location:Sun–Half shade
Seeds/g:2500 frön
Other:Light germinating
Heirloom variety:Yes

Cultivation advice


Winter savory is sown in spring. The seeds need light to germinate but do so slowly. 


Keep 10-20 cm between the plants.


The leaves are harvested in sunny dry weather before blooming. Savory is the bean herb before all else but is also used for seasoning cabbage, lentils, peas, meat and tea. The leaves should not cook along for too long, they grow bitter if they do.


2500 seeds/g. 
A portion contains about 1000 seeds.