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Iceland Poppy, organic

Eco Heirloom


The Iceland poppy is originally from Northern Europe, Asia and America. It is biannual-perennial with yellow, orange and red flowers. High risk of spreading wild in nature. Please do not let that happen by collect the fruits before they dry and spread the seeds. 

One portion contains about 200 seeds

Edible seeds?
Icelandic poppy deos not have edible seeds.

Seeds from the species Papaver somniferum are edible and can be used in cooking and baking. Several other species have poisonous seeds and should not be eaten. Therefore, only use seeds if you’re certain that they come from Papaver somniferum.

Siberian poppy has a high risk of invasiveness and likes to spread by seeds out of the garden. We recommend keeping the variety under supervision and picking overbloomed flowers and seed pods before they burst and spread their seeds.


Product number:755
Scientific name:Papaver croceum
Botanic family:The Poppy Family - Papaveraceae
F1 Hybrid:No
New variety:No
Sowing time:February–March/September
Sowing depth:0,2 cm
Germination temperature:18-24°C
Germination time:10–30 days
Plant spacing:20 cm
Row spacing:30–40 cm
Height:30-50 cm
Plant location:Sun-partial shade
Edible seeds:No
Seeds/g:9000 seeds
Other:Light germinating
Heirloom variety:Yes

Cultivation advice


The perennials should be sown very shallowly in a cold bed in April-June or directly in the ground in July-September and it is a good idea to protect the sowing with cover materials for a more reliable wintering in the North.


Keep 20 cm between plants. 




9 000 seeds/g. 

One portion contains about 200 seeds.