Weeds No Thanks, organic seed

Eco New variety


The weeds don't stand a chance in this dense green mass of garden vetch and hairy vetch, accented with lacy phacelia. The plants in the mix don't overwinter; they die back and form a protective cover that can either be tilled into the soil in the spring or left as mulch. Vetches are nitrogen-fixing legumes and are best grown before more nutrient-demanding crops. The mix produces beautiful flowers in blue, pink, and purple. Annual.

The green manure mix was developed in collaboration with Erik Dahlström. Many thanks to Erik!

One packet contains about 25 g.


Product number:GR170
Scientific name:Phacelia tanacetifolia, Vicia sativa, Vicia villosa
F1 Hybrid:No
New variety:Yes
Sowing time:May–September
Sowing depth:1-2 cm
Heirloom variety:No

Cultivation advice


Can be sown from early spring until September. Scatter the seeds and rake them down lightly. 


One portion contains about 25 and is enough to sow 5 m2
100g sows about 20 m2
500g sows about 100 m2